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Patriotic Dipped Ice Cream Cones

Patriotic Dipped Ice Cream Cones

Decorated Ice Cream Cones Ice cream cones dipped in chocolate and adorned with patriotic sprinkles are a simple, fun, food craft to include the kids.

The patriotic holidays have always been a big deal at our house.  But now that we have a member of the Army in the immediate family, we go all out!  I wanted to include our four and five year old grandchildren in the preparation this year, so I thought we could try some chocolate dipped and decorated ice cream cones.  This is a very kid friendly food activity.  And you get ice cream at the end . . . I suspect this helped keep them motivated to finish (wink).

I started with three colors of the chocolate wafers from the local craft store, along with some fun red, white and blue sprinkles.

Decorated Ice Cream Cones 1rs

Melt them in the microwave for 20-30 seconds at a time, stir and repeat.

Decorated Ice Cream Cones 3rs

Now comes the fun part . . . dip and swirl each cone into the melted chocolate.  Allow excess to drip off, decorate with contrasting sprinkles and sit on a piece of wax paper to cool.

Decorated Ice Cream Cones 6rs

Decorated Ice Cream Cones 4rs

Fill with your favorite ice cream and enjoy!

jamie ice cream




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