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Pumpkin Spice Doughnuts with Maple Cream Cheese Glaze

The invasion of all things pumpkin spice has taken over . . . I'm not complaining though, because I'm a huge fan!  This two ingredient . . . YES two ingredient cake doughnut is going to be life changing.  But wait, there's more.  What makes pumpkin and fall spices better?  Let's add some maple and cream cheese and then top it off with walnuts.  This my friends, is what fall tastes like.

I've seen this "recipe," if you will, floating around Pinterest for at least a year, but I was skeptical.  A simple dry cake mix paired with a can of pumpkin and you have doughnuts?  Come on now?  That almost sounds healthy?  No oil?  A lazy weekend prompted me to try this quick recipe.  Unlike typical store bought cake doughnuts, these are moist . . . really moist.  Not quite chewy like a yeast doughnut, but delicious nonetheless.

You do need a doughnut baking pan as the batter isn't dense enough to hold its shape.  I found mine at Target, but you can also score one for $10 or less on Amazon.

The naked doughnuts needed some dressing.  Right away I thought of the maple cream that I used with the Apple Tart last weekend.  The cake flavor makes me think of a pumpkin roll, so why not incorporate cream cheese?  I simply blended the cream cheese with the maple syrup and a little milk to thin until the sugar and cheese balanced.  Top the doughnuts and sprinkle some crushed walnuts on the top.

I ate three . . . immediately.  They are seriously THAT GOOD!  Perfect with coffee too.

My mind is spinning with possibilities for more two ingredient doughnuts.

Pumpkin Spice Doughnuts with Maple Cream Cheese Glaze
Recipe Type: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Author: Lori Fortini /
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 14
A simple, two ingredient cake doughnut topped with maple cream cheese icing.
  • Box of Spice cake mix.
  • 15 oz can of pumpkin
  • 4 oz cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 2 Tbsp maple cream
  • 2-4 Tbsp milk
  • 4 Tbsp crush walnuts (optional)
  1. Mix cake mix and pumpkin in a bowl. Allow to stand for a few minutes. Batter is thick.
  2. Using a hand blender, mix cream cheese and maple cream until smooth. Add milk, starting with 2 Tbsp until an icing or glaze consistency.
  3. Using a ziploc bag with the corner snipped, pipe the doughnut batter into a doughnut pan, filling each hole 1/2 full. Bake at 400 for 6-8 minutes or until cakes spring back when touched.
  4. Cool on a rack.
  5. Using a ziploc bag with the corner snipped, drizzle glaze on cooled doughnuts. Sprinkle with crushed walnuts.